This print is 22'' x 22.''
Ayed Arafa, a Palestinian artist living in Dheisheh refugee camp, pictures a woman and child, who seem to be made of stone, much like the wall of which they appear to be a part, evoking their semi-permanent confinement.
This piece of art was selected to be part of the Justice Matters exhibit, a joint project of the Middle East Children's Alliance, Alliance Graphics, and the Berkeley Arts Center. The collection was first exhibited in 2005 and includes the works of the following artists: Ayed Arafa, Jesus Barraza, Eric Drooker, Ala Ebtekar, John Halaka, Mildred Howard, Lisa Kokin, Rafik Majzoub, Toxqui Perez, Jackie Salloum, Josh Short, Christine Wong, Holly Wong, and Jos Sances.