The fifty women and two men of the
Samoa' Charitable Society in the southern West Bank create traditional handwoven rugs from wool they clean, spin into yarn, dye and weave themselves.
Aseela Womenâs Cooperative in Bethlehem produces a top-quality soap, food, body-care and medicine from olive oil, flowers, spices and herbs that have been an integral part of the Palestinian cultural tradition for generations.

Herbawi Textile Factory is the last operating keffiyah factory in Palestine. Originating in ancient Mesopotamia, the traditional keffiyeh pattern, recognized around the world as symbol of the Palestinian struggle, was modeled on fishing nets and ears of grain.
Womenâs Beekeeping Cooperative enables women to provide honey and income for their families, and improve their status at home and in the community.
Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children is a Gaza nonprofit which produces unique products hand-made by deaf men and women in the community. Due to the ongoing illegal Israeli siege on Gaza, Atfaluna has not been able to ship its crafts.
Holy Land Handicraft Cooperative Society is a certified fair trade cooperative based in Beit Sahour near Bethlehem and working to alleviate poverty and assist artisans in the marketing of products. The cooperative was founded in 1981 and has 36 member workshops.
The Silver Tent is a Bedouin women's cooperative in Anata, Palestine that works on fair trade principles and makes jewelry from silver, copper, aluminum, stones, and silk.
Union of Agricultural Work Committee (UAWC) works to improve the productivity and professionalism of Palestinian farmers; to help Palestinian farmers market their produce; to protect Palestinian farms from Israeli expropriation; and to promote agricultural employment opportunities through a framework of cooperation with domestic and international agricultural development institutions. UAWC is a co-founder of the biggest fair trade network in Palestine called the Palestinian Fair Trade Network (PFTN). Their first-press, extra virgin Olive Oil has won awards in Palestine, Jordan and Italy!
Women's cooperatives in refugee camps, towns, and villages across the West Bank, Gaza, and Lebanon create the high quality cross-stitch embroidery products. Currently we have products available from Shoruq Organization in Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Sulafa Embroidery Project in Gaza refugee camps, Women and Child Care Center in Beit Jala, Atfaluna (see above) and Ein El-Hilweh Refugee Camp in Lebanon. The cooperatives provide vital income to women who are struggling to support their families.

Fakhoury Pottery and Karakashian Pottery in Hebron and Jerusalem respectively supply our beautiful handpainted ceramics. The Fakhouryâs come from a long line of potters and, in fact, the name Fakhoury even means âpotterâ in Arabic. Their shop is located in the old city of Hebron where Israeli soldiers and settlers routinely physically and verbally harass Palestinians. Despite the difficulties, the family is determined to keep their store open and their craft alive. The Karakashian studio in Jerusalem continues the family tradition that began in 1922 when Megerditch Karakashian came to Jerusalem to help renovate the Dome of the Rock. All the motifs are traditional designs - birds, peacocks, gazelles, fish and various floral patterns. Each piece is hand painted with a hand made brush. First, the black is painted on to give the design its outline, and then the colors are filled in. After the wares are colored, they are hand dipped in a clear glaze and fired.
Our Dead Sea products come from a Palestinian company called Vitalite. Learn more by watching the video below!